U9 – Task 4

Task 4: Education Research (Context)

Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
You will need to carry out research in order to provide you OWN answers for the following questions for EACH of these two Key Stages:
What age group does this cover?
What subjects make up this key stage?
What topics within those subjects might you choose for a piece of theatre and why?

Key Stage 1

When doing a piece of T.I.E theatre we need to think very carefully about what subject we want to write about. How we will teach through performance, what the audience will want to see. So its very important to pick a subject which will be key to the performance. Key Stage 1 is the curriculum for primary school children aged 5 – 7 in years 1 and 2. On the National Curriculum website it says the following subjects are taught and are the compulsory subjects that are taught at this age.

  • English
  • maths
  • science
  • design and technology
  • history
  • geography
  • art and design
  • music
  • physical education (PE), including swimming
  • computing
  • Schools must provide religious education (RE) but parents can ask for their children to be taken out of the whole lesson or part of it.Schools often also teach:
    • personal, social and health education (PSHE)
    • citizenship
    • modern foreign languages (at key stage 1
  • The age of children learning at Key Stage 2 level are 7 – 11 in years 3 to 6. The curriculum for Key Stage 2 is the same as KS1 but they are learn at an increased difficulty as they get older.

English – According to the National Curriculum website KS1 and KS2 learn the following topics in English lessons,  Comprehension this is listening and discussing different texts, spellings, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, transcription and composition this is checking your own work for sense. In KS2 the difficulty is increased and as the school years go by, so depending on the age of the children we will need to make sure the level of detail is correct for the age of the children.

Maths – Maths in KS1 according to atsschool.co.uk learn the following subjects, counting, solving number problems such as problem solving using money, using measures, using shape and space and solving number problems. Calculations, addition and subtraction, mental calculations, checking your sums, times tables. Measures, length, mass, capacity, time, area, money. Shape and space, position and movement, 2D shapes, 3D shapes sorting shapes and handling data.

These topics are very important in maths KS1 and KS2 as they are covered in tests and assessments. I have had some ideas about doing my T.I.E presentation and idea on maths as its an important subject with lots of different topics that need to be covered. Its also because I wish I had enjoyed maths more when I was young so that I might have passed it by now. My idea would be to create a story for KS1 students that could also be shown to KS2 about solving number problems such as problem solving using money, we could create a story with fun characters about a robber who steals money but the audience need to help figure out how much money has been stole. They also learn their times tables this would be really good to add in a workshop if we was to play games we could keep repeating the times tables.

In class we got split into two groups the and my group Beth, Leah and Hannah got the subject maths to come up with a short idea that was around the topic of shapes so we have already have some experience when it comes to thinking about T.I.E pieces around the subject maths, we also only had a short amount of time around 30minets to put this together so I think its quite good, here is the video of the lesson.

Science – Again I used the National curriculum website to find out the specific things KS1 and KS2 learn in sicence the following topics are covered, basic parts of the human body, common animals including humans and the structure of common animals. Everyday materials, comparing materials, objects and materials, physical properties of everyday materials. Plants and the structure, also working scientifically asking and answering simple questions and identifying and classifying and all the seasonal changes the four seasons which would be a really nice thing to structure a performance on.

I think its important to base the show with a story with characters because its not only about the education in the show but its also what my class and me are best at which is acting we wouldn’t be able to do a show all through singing catchy songs with scientific problems in it. But I do like the idea that if the show was based on science depending on what it was about but to sing a song that educates on the four seasons.

I copied the link to this video because the children learning in KS1 talk about some of their favourite subjects and why they like them. Below I listed the things from the video that would be good to think about when writing the script for T.I.E

In this video the children at Manor Primary School talk about the subjects that are covered in Key Stage 1, they speak about reading and talk about their favourite story books. T.I.E drama always has a story to follow. They also speak of how they act out stories so audience participation in the T.I.E shows or a workshop could involve the children helping the characters by acting with them to solve a problem. All the things the children speak about in this video tell us what they enjoy and find fun. The types of things we will need to take into consideration when writing a script.


(1) https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum/key-stage-1-and-2



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